2023 is gone. I’m about ready to kick it to the curb, but before I do, let me recap some of the highlights.
January 2023:
I created and launched my first online course, Design 2 Cut Masterclass. After holding a short 3-day boot camp in November 2022, I launched the full course.
It was a challenge recording and editing the lessons. Then more challenges building out the course platform on my website. While challenging, I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so much.

April 2023:
I rebuilt my course website. Yes, once wasn’t enough, I had to do it twice. Not by choice though. Some asshole hacked my site so bad it wasn’t recoverable. So I built it again.
This time I added a helluva lot more security to this site. Didn’t want to go through that again.
If I say so myself, it is much better the second time around. I switched course platforms and like this one much better. It is much easier on the back-end, and I think the front end looks much better.

October 2023
Created and launched my second online course, Rust Dyeing on Fabric. I’ve been dyeing fabric with rust for so many years and have wanted to create this course for a while. The process I use in this course is different from the way I originally started dyeing with rust; instead of using rusty metal, I use a liquid rust dye using my secret recipe; that I share in the course.
I was so happy to get this course launched. This year there will be more courses, so if you haven’t already joined my mailing list, do so here so you will receive my newsletter and get advance notices on course release dates.

December 2023
Took a video camera and video editing course at the local college. I’d been wanting to take these courses for several years, and decided now was the time.
They were both great courses with great instructors, but I decided I like editing more than I like filming. The filming course focused on creating for the industry, and that is not my focus. That doesn’t mean I didn’t learn things I can use when filming for YouTube or for my course; I learned a lot!
The biggest thing I didn’t like was traveling to film on location and all the equipment. We used semi-professional equipment that we were able to check out from the school. That stuff is HEAVY! And I did not like hauling it all around.
I think I will stick to filming in my studio with my consumer grade equipment. I more than gets the job done.
All Year Long
I started a weekly newsletter for my students and subscribers. While I did miss a few weeks, for the most part I did pretty good. But I can’t say that for my IG posting. Very sporadic posting, something I need to get better at this year.
If you want to stay up to date on new courses and other goings on, sign up for my newsletter using the form below.
All in all, it was a good year.
Even though I didn’t do everything I’d planned to in 2023 (do we ever?) I am pleased with how the year went. We are still healthy, still financially secure, my family is safe and doing well. Not sure what more I could ask for. Now that 2023 is done with, it is time to shift my focus to 2024 and all the possibilities it has to offer.
I will be mainly focused on creating more courses and several textile art series with 3-7 pieces in each series.
My husband and I are making a big change this year; I am both excited and apprehensive about it. But that is the nature of change. I will go more into that in the next blog post.
That’s it for now; wishing you a safe and happy 2024.
See you next time!
Thanks Angie. You do continue to learn and teach by sharing and I am so appreciative of you perseverance. Amazing job here. I am glad you found your income source for your talents.
I wish you the best of success in your new ventures. Be well and safe. Linda Livingston