Last Week in the Studio #4

Last week I managed to find some time to experiment a little more with dyeing fabrics with rust and created two pieces I absolutely love!

This first one is on cotton. I printed the rust circle first and after rinsing and drying it, I came back and scrunched it in a small container and added rust liquid dye. I am planning to do a large piece like this and hope it comes out as well as this small sample.

The next piece I wasn’t sure would work. This is sheer polyester fabric. I scrunched it in a small container and applied rust liquid dye. Totally love it!

I have what I hope is a wonderful idea for this and hope to make into a bigger piece.

I’m having so much fun experimenting with rust dyeing this way.

Let me know in the comments your thoughts. Do you like these? I hope so.

That’s it for now, until next time, have a beautiful day.

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