Last Week In the Studio #2

Well, another week has come and gone, and although things didn’t go 100% as planned, it was a good week. But then, does it ever go 100% as planned? Usually not. So here is what did go down last week.

Free Online Class-Design 2 Cut Introduction to Inkscape

I continue to work on my online course platform and last week I was successful in releasing a free class, Introduction to Inkscape in addition to two other classes in the series, Designing with Inkscape Shape Tools and Designing with Inkscape Drawing Tools.

The introduction course is the first module in my six week masterclass, but when I decided to release the masterclass modules as mini courses where you could take each module independently of each other, I this module should be free.

The reason for that is this course is the foundation of all the other mini courses. If you were to take any of the other ones without having this foundation, they wouldn’t make sense. So I wanted everyone to have the opportunity to get this much needed foundation before taking any of the other mini courses.

So if you are interest in how to create digitally designed elements in your textile art or any other art/craft, this is the perfect course for you. And the price is right! Use the form below to sign up and access the Introduction to Inkscape course.


Now for some studio news.

More Rust Shibori

When I was able to setup away from the computer, I worked on more rust and Shibori. The piece I showed in the last post was still scrunched on the pole received a little more attention.

I added some more teal paint so the color would be stronger and added a little more rust. I like it much better this way and I am really liking the teal color with the rust.

Teal and Rust Shibori

What do you think? Do you like this color combination? Let me know in the comments.

Here are the three pieces together. I am starting to like the brighter blue a little more. As Janice commented on the previous post, it has its place.

The three rust and paint shibori pieces
And the three pieces on the other side

SAQA Benefit Auction

I belong to an international organization called Studio Art Quilts Associates (SAQA) and their mission as stated on their website is: Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the art quilt: “a creative visual work that is layered and stitched or that references this form of stitched layered structure.” 

Every year as part of their fund raising efforts they sponsor a benefit auction. The funds raised goes back into programs that support SAQA’s exhibition and outreach programs. Members donate a 12 x 12-inch art quilt to be auctioned off.

My art quilt combines my favorite processes:

  • Itajime Shibori—the folding and clamping of fabric before dyeing
  • Dyeing—adding color to the fabric with paint, dye or rust
  • Printing—adding pattern through various printing methods
  • Stitching—adding texture with hand or machine stitching
SAQA auction piece titled Confetti

This pieces started out as a 14X14 piece of white fabric. It was folded both ways into an accordion square, and clamped with a piece of wood diagonally across the square. Then I dyed it using the same blue paint as in the previous post.

After it was dry, I then printed the small texture pattern you see in the background with a rust paste that I concocted. To finish I added a ton of hand embroidered seed stitches over the entire pieces.

Unfortunately I didn’t get any in process photos or video as I was working, but here is a short video of a similar piece that was folded and clamped.

Hopefully my piece gets bid on and helps SAQA meet its fund raising goal.

Wrap Up

Well, that’s about all I managed to do in the studio last week. As much as I would like to spend all my time there creating courses and making art, other life responsibilities call. Hopefully this week I can squeeze out more time for creating.

See you next wee, but until then, have a beautiful day and keep learning and creating. Bye, bye now.

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